MSHB Responsible Business Policy Poll Results 2023 1

We understand the growing importance for our clients to be able to select a law firm that is in tune with society and one that they trust to make a real difference. That is why we have taken time to find out which of the 17 United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are most important to them.  

By staying ‘in tune’ and understanding and reflecting on our clients' priorities when it comes to what makes a responsible business, we believe we can offer the best possible legal advice and support that makes a real difference while also making a positive impact on society and the environment.

Q1. Which five ethical issues are the most important to you?

Q1. Which five ethical issues are the most important to you

Q2. What actions have you taken regarding your top five ethical issues?

Q2. What actions have you taken regarding your top five ethical issues

Q3. Which three areas do you think are most important for Miller Samuel Hill Brown to focus on?


Q4. Miller Samuel Hill Brown has supported a range of good causes through donations of money, our time, and fundraising. Which three types of good causes would you like us to prioritise for support in the future?

Q4. Which three types of good causes would you like us to prioritise for support in the future

Based on our clients' feedback, we have pledged to support the following SDGs in our Responsible Business Policy: fighting poverty and inequality in the UK; protecting and promoting health and wellbeing; protecting the environment and fighting global climate change; protecting and promoting human rights in the UK; and protecting animal welfare in the UK.

By making the well-being of our communities and environment the foundation of our approach, we firmly believe we can make a meaningful and lasting difference… Trusted to make things better by offering more than just great law.